

Who can sign up for Newspapers in Education (NIE)?
Any current Pre-K through 12 grade educator (including Career Tech) in the state of Oklahoma can register for FREE access to the digital print replica and the archives of <i>The Oklahoman. </i>We also<i> </i>provide topical curriculum throughout the school year for your use. 
How can I sign up?
Click here to complete the registration form. Watch the How to Register video.
On the registration form it asks for number of licenses and approximate number of students I teach, what is the difference?
The number of licenses you request is the number of students who could be logged on at one time using your class username and password. The approximate number of students shows us how many students  as total because you teach multiple classes will be using our products with your class username and password.
Will I get any physical paper deliveries?
Yes and no. Please check the NIE Delivery Area Map to see if you are in The Oklahoman’s delivery area. Those in white will receive a delivery of Sunday papers once a month. The deliveries are made the week following the last Sunday of the month. These deliveries start on the last Sunday of August through the last Sunday of April (the December delivery occurs earlier in the month).
When will the topical curriculum deliveries be made? Who receives those deliveries?
The topical curriculum is produced throughout the fall and spring semesters. The sizes of these topics range from 4 lessons in the paper to 10 lessons in the paper and supplements sent to the classroom. Keep your eye out for the monthly NIE newsletter, Gold Star, where you will find dates for deliveries as well as lesson dates. A classroom set of the supplements will be delivered to your school if you are in The Oklahoman’s delivery area.
What if I’m not in the delivery area and I want a classroom set of the supplement?
Any teacher who is outside of the delivery area of The Oklahoman can request a classroom set of any curriculum we publish. Simply send an email request before the deadline (outlined in the NIE Gold Star) and a set will be mailed to you.
I tried logging into the print replica over the summer and it didn’t work, why not?
Access to the print replica and the archives are sponsored and paid for throughout school year. Access for the 2013-2014school year starts August 12 and ends May 23.
I need some old papers for an art project. Can I pick-up newspapers from The Oklahoman?
Yes. Read more about paper pick-up on the NIE Arts page under the Educators tab.
I want to schedule a tour of The Oklahoman for my class, how do I do that?
Yes. More information about requesting a tour can be found on the REQUEST TOUR page under the Educators tab.
I would like a reporter/photographer from The Oklahoman to come speak to my class, is that an option?
Yes. More information about requesting a speaker can be found on the Request Speaker page under the Educators tab.
I keep getting emails about signing a verification form for my subscription. What is that all about?
Each year The Oklahoman must verify each NIE registration by asking the teacher to confirm electronically his or her registration to utilize NIE services. This is not a legally binding form, but it is required. When you complete the verification through the link provided, you then will have the option to renew your participation for the upcoming school year.
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